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    Basic Town protocols


    Does this protocol seem fair?

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    Total Votes: 11
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    Basic Town protocols Empty Basic Town protocols

    Post by Burnalot Wed Dec 14, 2011 7:27 pm

    Town protocol thread.
    Still in progress, expect changes as we decide on this. Pat/staff will also need to approve this.
    [pat/staff needs to check this thread or edit as sees fit: not approved yet]

    Common town rules
    Normaly the "founder" or "major" determin rules that others must try to follow, however keep in mind pvping in a unzoned town is not against the server rules and can be done so without warning. Read the server rules for more information. We also advice to not make imposible rulesets for each town to overcomplicate things.

    Few examples:
    - NO PVP rule
    In unzoned areas you CAN still pvp as its not against server rules. However, its considered a dick move if you do. If you have a plot/home in the town, expect to be thrown out.
    - No Greifing
    Obviously, this apply on server base, don't greif outside your assigned home, this also means, dont mess around with walls or anything that the founder does not want you to change. If you want to change it, ask first. This way, we dont have to be called in to check every block thats diffrent.

    If you make a "town" with or without protection theres always one problem that eventualy pops up: A disagreement with a tenant/resident.

    So, the best thing to do is just calm down, yelling over petty things wont be much good.
    As "founder" you have decided to either resolve the issue or kick the person out of town.

    When envicting, the following should be done:
    1. Calm yourself down if your fustrated/angry with the other person.
    2. Tell the person to pack up, in a nice and calm manner.
    3. Let him grab his/her stuff and deconstruct their building. (as "town" owner you will not destroy anything without staff or other persons approval as this conflicts with server rules)

    If the person declines this and still wont move you can always get a mod/admin to help you solve this or the issue at hand.
    Normaly, we think that giving the person some time to setup a new temp home or similar is the best idea, so don't rush the person out the door. Let em take their time deconstucting and setup a new home somewhere else. Minimum timeframe is roughly 1day to 1 week depending on size. We advice to give sufficent time on this.
    If this is not working out, staff can always take messures to make sure things are done right.

    In relation to chests/items, the resident will always be allowed to claim their items unless its not collected within spesified time. Otherwise, we burn it.

    Unused homes
    If a home in a town has been unused for quite some time, say a month or more and the person is not around. Then the house is just takeing space and could be deconstucted.
    To make sure of this, put a sign infront of the home with a note saying something like: "Are you still here? leave sign so we know, if not we tear it down". Leave it in a very visable spot (right in front of the door) for a week in advance. If nothing happens start deconstructing (again, ask staff about it first so we know its not greif.) and have them remove locked items.

    Other notes:
    This is not always how things might get done, as its very depending on the situation each time but in general it goes like this. Sometimes it may not seem fair, but we always try to even things out.

    Hope this might help you guys with disputes.

    Last edited by Burnalot on Fri Dec 16, 2011 1:23 pm; edited 2 times in total

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    Basic Town protocols Empty Re: Basic Town protocols

    Post by dwarfitup Wed Dec 14, 2011 8:00 pm

    Thanks burn this really helped.
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    Basic Town protocols Empty Re: Basic Town protocols

    Post by Ninjaplz Wed Dec 14, 2011 8:47 pm

    I think you mean "Eviction" not "Enviction." But also, as an admin, I hate getting into un-zoned city affairs. So idk how much I want to make rules for evictions. If we start giving server rules to independent cities, people won't buy zoned cities, and that's kinda what I'd rather have.

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    Basic Town protocols Empty Re: Basic Town protocols

    Post by spoonikle Wed Dec 14, 2011 9:38 pm

    well there is still the touchy "rules", the warp/home camping, and the pvp to worry about with non zoned cities.

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    Basic Town protocols Empty Re: Basic Town protocols

    Post by CrankkDatJFel Wed Dec 14, 2011 10:14 pm

    PVP in non-zoned cities is simple... its allowed.
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    Basic Town protocols Empty Re: Basic Town protocols

    Post by Boblobster Thu Dec 15, 2011 7:33 am

    What Crankk said, if people rage about PvP in supposedly non-PvP towns they can Fuck up and Fuck off.

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    Basic Town protocols Empty Re: Basic Town protocols

    Post by Burnalot Thu Dec 15, 2011 11:03 am

    Ninjaplz wrote:I think you mean "Eviction" not "Enviction." But also, as an admin, I hate getting into un-zoned city affairs. So idk how much I want to make rules for evictions. If we start giving server rules to independent cities, people won't buy zoned cities, and that's kinda what I'd rather have.

    Yep, my usual bad spelling there.

    well this is more "guidelines" than anything else.
    Server rules still apply no matter whats written here, and in most cases where chests are left behind, it should just be burned if ppl want it removed. I spoke to crank and we figured its better to leave a thread to show others how this process should normaly be handled to clear up any confusion.
    I wrote this with intent to let ppl fix own problems rather than haveing us do it all the time and as you can tell I still need to clearify things up on that part.

    If we cant have anything writen on how to handle these "cities" then I sugest not fixing/assisting anything in relation to them, easy enough. Leave chest locked and no involvment in their matters, including not fixing minor greif as it sometimes is pretty complicated on who owns what (ofc if theres been major greif I supose we fix it).

    As for zones, It's still the same problem there as on a unzoned. Just less complicated.
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    Basic Town protocols Empty Re: Basic Town protocols

    Post by Ninjaplz Thu Dec 15, 2011 3:32 pm

    Well, I think that if a person abandons a town or the server, admins can go in, put a sign asking if they're still there, and if they never reply, we unlock the chests and doors and then the city owner can sell the pre-made house for more money, or demolish the lot, keep the materials, and re-sell the empty lot. As for eviction, the city owner can uninvite the person from their home (if their home is the warp to the city). If the person has their /home set in the city, and they've been evicted from the city, we can assume that the only reason that person is using their /home to get into the city is for pvp or grief, and we tell them to move it

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    Basic Town protocols Empty Re: Basic Town protocols

    Post by rowanmc19 Fri Dec 16, 2011 3:50 pm

    Ninjaplz wrote:I think you mean "Eviction" not "Enviction." But also, as an admin, I hate getting into un-zoned city affairs. So idk how much I want to make rules for evictions. If we start giving server rules to independent cities, people won't buy zoned cities, and that's kinda what I'd rather have.

    I agree here but just want to add,, buying zoned land is expensive Razz .... but what i wanna know is, if i buy zoned land, could it have sub zones set up inside it? sorta like the spawn area.. that would be nice when trying to sell plots but it'd prolly be pats call

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    Basic Town protocols Empty Re: Basic Town protocols

    Post by CrankkDatJFel Fri Dec 16, 2011 4:16 pm

    You definitely can. You might not have the commands to do it personally but if you made a clean address map with clear plots someone would definitely do it for you.

    Example: I am going to do it for the Highlands once Timmylo get's his map to me.

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    Basic Town protocols Empty Re: Basic Town protocols

    Post by avengexxwin Fri Dec 16, 2011 4:17 pm

    i like these rules and thing theyd be very helpfull. but like i said in the donations thread kshdive needs to respect the staff.

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    Basic Town protocols Empty Re: Basic Town protocols

    Post by rowanmc19 Fri Dec 16, 2011 7:58 pm

    CrankkDatJFel wrote:You definitely can. You might not have the commands to do it personally but if you made a clean address map with clear plots someone would definitely do it for you.

    Example: I am going to do it for the Highlands once Timmylo get's his map to me.

    EPIC thanks crank XD

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