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Forum for FreedsUniverse SMP server.

21 posters

    Official Rules List


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    Join date : 2011-02-03

    Official Rules List Empty Official Rules List

    Post by mcuser12 Wed Aug 03, 2011 7:19 pm

    Freed's Universe SMP Rule List:

    In-Game Rules:

    1. No Griefing

    A definition of griefing - 'The malicious action of placing and/or destroying blocks on, next to, or within another player's build with the intention of causing frustration, inconvenience or 'grief' to that player.'

    • By this definition, it is implied that you may break blocks to enter another player's build to gain access, as your intention is not to cause any 'grief', however, this is still not allowed. If you're unable to gain access to a player's build without destroying any blocks to get there, you are not allowed to go in there.
    • Building to gain access to another player's build IS allowed however, as long as nothing you build to gain access touches the other player's build in any way (you MUST remain at least 3 blocks away).
    • Taking crops from a farm is not griefing if you replant the seeds. It IS griefing if there is a sign explicitly stating not to take the crops.
    • Another problem arises with the use of lava for PvP; if a player uses lava on another's build in order to kill another player, there are occasions where the lava is left and spills, causing grief to the area. Whilst not a deliberate attempt to grief, these accidents force us to disallow any use of lava for PvP whilst on other player's builds. It is however acceptable to use lava to PvP in the wild, or on your own builds, as then, the imminent lava spilling will not grief any other players.
    • You may NOT build above someone's property

    There is NO excuse for griefing, you may NOT use any griefing attack as a retaliation to any form of PvP regardless of how unfair/sly/unjustified etc etc the attack is. PvP IS allowed, whereas griefing of any form is NOT.

    2. PvP is allowed

    PVP- Also known as Player vs Player, is what we call combat in MineCraft. Under all circumstances PvP is allowed.

    • You may NOT use /tp in PvP.
    • You may NOT use /tphere in PvP.
    • You may NOT use compass jumping or /jumpto in combat.
    • You may NOT use /mc in combat.
    • If you have the intent of PvPing someone, you may not use those commands to assist you in any way. (ie use compassport to get closer to your victim. Yes you arent using it in combat but you have_the_intent of starting combat.)
    • More information located here.

    • You may NOT use /god, /vanish, or any of the donor commands in PvP. This is a given.

    • You may NOT use lava in PvP when near or in someone's territory. Accidental grief is still grief. (though less severe)
    • You may NOT use ANY home in PvP.
    • You may NOT set your home to public, regardless if you or another person intends to PvP with it, in someone else's property without their full consent.
    • You MAY use warps to gain access to people.
    • You MAY use /spawn to gain access to people.

    3. Stealing is allowed
    Stealing- Taking items from a chest that does not belong to you.
    • You MAY take from any chest you find that is unlocked.
    • Stealing_is_not_griefing. Refer to rule 1 for a definition of griefing.
    • Staff will NOT replenish items if they have been stolen.

    4. Banned Players' items will be given away if they leave a 'will' of some sorts.
    • Do NOT ask for a banned players' items if you are not mentioned in their 'will'.
    • If no will is left, the items will be Burnalot87 until further notice.

    5. Do NOT, EVER ask for a promotion
    • Don't ever do this. Seriously.

    6. Do not exploit hacks, glitches, or bugs.
    • You may NOT use redstone to bypass lwc locked doors.
    • This is a broad rule, but you know what it means.

    7. Do NOT use flyhacks, xray hacks, or other client modifications
    • If you use any of the modifications above, you will be instantly banned without the chance of an appeal regardless of whether your read these rules or not. You have been warned.

    8. Do not spam the chat
    • You know what this means

    9. Do NOT harass other users by using racial slurs, making fun of their ethnicity, etc.
    • 'faggot', 'nigger', etc are bannable offences

    10. You MUST replace mooshroom biome grass with a dirt block
    • If you have a silktouch enchantment pickaxe and choose to break mycelium grass if you know the location to the biome, please replace the mycelium with dirt so it spreads over it again. This is the only biome on the server, and we don't want it to go to waste.

    11. Even if the rule is not listed here, we have every right to ban you, take your items, freed, etc.
    If you think it_might_be wrong, DO NOT DO IT. This list WILL be modified based on new plugins, updates in MC, etc. Rules WILL be made up for specific situations, and we will punish you accordingly.

    Last edited by PatrickFreed on Sat Sep 29, 2012 5:48 pm; edited 20 times in total

    Posts : 1832
    Join date : 2011-02-03

    Official Rules List Empty Re: Official Rules List

    Post by mcuser12 Thu Aug 04, 2011 1:54 pm

    Read these rules before playing.

    Posts : 551
    Join date : 2011-03-25

    Official Rules List Empty Re: Official Rules List

    Post by Burnalot Thu Aug 04, 2011 4:09 pm

    I like rule 4 D:

    Posts : 1832
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    Official Rules List Empty Re: Official Rules List

    Post by mcuser12 Thu Aug 04, 2011 7:10 pm

    Added that you may NOT use Lava in PvP

    Posts : 1832
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    Official Rules List Empty Re: Official Rules List

    Post by mcuser12 Wed Aug 10, 2011 1:25 am

    Updated a bit
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    Official Rules List Empty Re: Official Rules List

    Post by Rang3ramhard Wed Aug 10, 2011 1:26 am

    What did you change?

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    Official Rules List Empty Re: Official Rules List

    Post by mcuser12 Wed Aug 10, 2011 1:28 am

    You may NOT place blocks touching others builds. (for example making a dirt tower next to a wall to scale it.) You MAY, however, build one block away. (Note: 'builds' not blocks)

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    Official Rules List Empty Re: Official Rules List

    Post by McPowell Wed Aug 10, 2011 1:27 pm

    you should probably tidy up that griefing section into bullet points, it's very unstructured at the moment as it has a few different points into what looks like one point, especially the no griefing and then the no building placed so abruptly next to it as a completely different point. Consider this restructure and wording, I must apologise, as server administration goes, i tend to be rather wordy Razz ...


    A breach of any of these stated rules will result in immediate action from one of the server's staff members. Punishments include (in order of severity): Verbal warning, in game kick with warning, a registered /warn (of which receiving two will result in a ban), a temporary /ban, a permanent /ban. Appeals can be made in the forums.


    A definition of griefing - 'The malicious action of placing and/or destroying blocks on, next to, or within another player's build with the intention of causing frustration, inconvenience or 'grief' to that player.'

    • By this definition, it is implied that you may break blocks to enter another player's build to gain access, as your intention is not to cause any 'grief', however, this is still not allowed. If you're unable to gain access to a player's build without destroying any blocks to get there, you are not allowed to go in there.
    • Building to gain access to another player's build IS allowed however, as long as nothing you build to gain access touches the other player's build in any way (you MUST remain at least one block away).
    • Another problem arises with the use of lava for PvP; if a player uses lava on another's build in order to kill another player, there are occasions where the lava is left and spills, causing grief to the area. Whilst not a deliberate attempt to grief, these accidents force us to disallow any use of lava for PvP whilst on other player's builds. It is however acceptable to use lava to PvP in the wild, or on your own builds, as then, the imminent lava spilling will not grief any other players.

    There is NO excuse for griefing, you may NOT use any griefing attack as a retaliation to any form of PvP regardless of how unfair/sly/unjustified etc etc the attack is. PvP IS allowed, whereas griefing of any form is NOT.

    Posts : 1832
    Join date : 2011-02-03

    Official Rules List Empty Re: Official Rules List

    Post by mcuser12 Wed Aug 10, 2011 1:52 pm

    Yeah that's a lot better. Ill edit it in when I get home Wink

    Posts : 1832
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    Official Rules List Empty Re: Official Rules List

    Post by mcuser12 Fri Aug 19, 2011 7:48 pm

    Added mcpowell's griefing rules update
    Added that you can't use redstone to bypass lwc locked doors.

    Should I merge your donor thread with this mcpowell?

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    Official Rules List Empty Re: Official Rules List

    Post by McPowell Fri Aug 19, 2011 8:21 pm

    i have one command for you pat /lwc flag redstone on/off
    and im not quite sure about the merging, but you just do what you think it best

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    Official Rules List Empty Re: Official Rules List

    Post by mcuser12 Fri Aug 19, 2011 9:01 pm

    Hmm, there are a few interesting LWC options I'm going to play with. For the meantime, don't use the torches Wink

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    Official Rules List Empty Re: Official Rules List

    Post by McPowell Sun Aug 21, 2011 10:25 am

    EDIT on Crank's request: Building to gain access to another player's build IS allowed however, as long as nothing you build to gain access touches the other player's build in any way (you MUST remain at least one block away). Despite this rule, you cannot build OVER any builds that player has set to gain access. For example, you cannot build your way over another player's moat regardless of how many blocks away you build.

    Is that worded ok? XD christ that's a tricky one to word correctly whilst attempting to make it clear and obvious Razz

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    Official Rules List Empty Re: Official Rules List

    Post by mcuser12 Sun Aug 21, 2011 10:47 am

    You may NOT build over someone's property.

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    Official Rules List Empty Re: Official Rules List

    Post by McPowell Sun Aug 21, 2011 10:54 am

    damn me and my tendency to over complicate teh rulez XD
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    Official Rules List Empty Re: Official Rules List

    Post by FERMIS Sun Aug 21, 2011 5:50 pm

    Use common sense, if they were an 8 year old mammas boy that crys at just about everything, would your impending actions make them cry?

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    Official Rules List Empty Re: Official Rules List

    Post by McPowell Sun Aug 21, 2011 6:44 pm

    in response to that fermis, all pvp would be gone if that were the defining state of every rule XD and i would be in some quite serious shit Razz
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    Official Rules List Empty Re: Official Rules List

    Post by FERMIS Sun Aug 21, 2011 9:37 pm

    well Im saying respect. If you want to pvp find ppl that dont mind it. I absoutly hate seeing for like 3 hrs. GIVE ME MY STUFF BACK!!!!

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    Official Rules List Empty Re: Official Rules List

    Post by mcuser12 Mon Oct 10, 2011 11:37 am

    Added "Taking crops from a farm is not griefing if you replant the seeds. It IS griefing if there is a sign explicitly stating not to take the crops." to the griefing rules.
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    Official Rules List Empty Re: Official Rules List

    Post by Rang3ramhard Thu Oct 13, 2011 1:53 am

    Lets say im fighting someone and they dc to avoid getting killed.

    Could we make that not be allowed, kinda bugs me alot that people get away from me that way.

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    Official Rules List Empty Re: Official Rules List

    Post by Pyrferno Thu Oct 13, 2011 2:38 am

    Rang3ramhard wrote:Lets say im fighting someone and they dc to avoid getting killed.

    Could we make that not be allowed, kinda bugs me alot that people get away from me that way.

    Problem with it is that what if they actually DCed rather than on purpose...
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    Official Rules List Empty Re: Official Rules List

    Post by Rang3ramhard Thu Oct 13, 2011 3:50 am

    Ok but you can pretty much tell when they do it cause its right before you attack them.


    Rang3: *attacks Arz0n*
    Arz0n: Arz0n disconnected
    Like 20 seconds later
    Arz0n: Arz0n reconnected
    Arz0n: /spawn or /warp somewhere to get away
    Arz0n: :D
    Rang3: **** you >.>

    Then I start raging cause he does like /spawn or something as soon as he logs on.


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    Official Rules List Empty Re: Official Rules List

    Post by Timmylo Thu Oct 13, 2011 9:19 am

    I love the specific example Razz

    very bitch move indeed, needs to be retaliated by a bitchier move.. lets say a drop from teh sky? lmao

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    Official Rules List Empty Re: Official Rules List

    Post by CVB1234 Thu Oct 13, 2011 9:27 am

    I remember a guy Kevin or somthing he logged and he watied 10 min, He had all iron armour and I wanted it so I got in a big nearby tree and watied for him to log when he did he got sniped hard. It was very annoying.

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    Official Rules List Empty Re: Official Rules List

    Post by Pyrferno Thu Oct 13, 2011 5:02 pm

    Rang3ramhard wrote:Ok but you can pretty much tell when they do it cause its right before you attack them.


    Rang3: *attacks Arz0n*
    Arz0n: Arz0n disconnected
    Like 20 seconds later
    Arz0n: Arz0n reconnected
    Arz0n: /spawn or /warp somewhere to get away
    Arz0n: Very Happy
    Rang3: **** you >.>

    Then I start raging cause he does like /spawn or something as soon as he logs on.

    hmm.. good point

    heres the new rule definition IMO~~~~

    "If a player "DCs" in combat and then as soon as they log back on(within 20seconds or something), Teleport away, action can be taken?"

    that way if it was a real DC they don't get in trouble for the DC, only if they Teleport away.

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