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    shop idea


    do you think the shop should be like this

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    Total Votes: 5

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    shop idea - Page 4 Empty Re: shop idea

    Post by Burnalot Sun Sep 23, 2012 11:41 am

    Lorecraft wrote:Well the super cool thing is that towny can do most of this for you if you dont want to do it yourself. If we left it up to players and towny though, civilization would likely be much less organized and more scattered over the map. Towny also allows players to warp to a town spawn even if they don't belong to the town, just with a set price. And again, towny has its own wartimes function which even allows capture of territories by other kingdoms (but I hear that might be buggy? I think I remember pat saying something along those lines).

    If we did want to put more orginization in it, we could set a large area around spawn (like enough room to be building towns in) to pvp free, then as towns crop up we could zone them ourselves and slowly unzone the rest of the areas around spawn. The theory here is that we give people enough room to build safely so that they can build up these towns without fear, and then hopefully the idea of expanding near each other for protection would catch on and the previously described society system would start happening. This would require giving the staff the last say in what qualifies as a town and what doesn't, so that they can zone it. Alternatively, we could do all the same things but make the players use towny to zone everything themselves. This would probably require lowering the prices in towny.

    If we did use towny for it all, but didn't want to let it go out of control and have society at random points on the map, we could do something like "you are only allowed to make a town within 500 blocks of another town". This would also make nations that form much stronger, as their towns would be right near each other and able to help out (much like in real life).

    There is a third way, a sort of combination, just to utilize both towny and zones. Have players spend on their town spawn claim, and then have staff zone the rest of their city. With this, people are encouraged to expand their town even if they dont currently have a lot of members (towny doesn't let you claim more than your population and the 10 extra claims), and it would also allow us to keep towny prices high because people would only need to pay for one claim.

    Now to make this all work smoothly there are some other ideas that would have to be put in.
    1. Towns cannot get thier starting townzone block (towny or otherwise) until staff deems it a town. This does a couple of things, it encourages people to build in the protection zone around spawn initially (because if they were allowed to get it zoned before hand then they would be safe wherever they chose to build), and then afterwards it encourages people to be right near other towns for their protection and easy carrying of items to the area.
    2. Staff get the last say on what is a town and what isn't. Players can just deal, and they should learn to anyways.
    3. Players get control of their zone flags. Not sure f this is implemented already. Last time I tried playing with flags I didnt have permission to them.

    Now you are on to something. Problem is, someone needs to configure plugins it to work this way. Razz
    And the clock is ticking fast on pats >.>

    All info you need is right here tho:

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    shop idea - Page 4 Empty Re: shop idea

    Post by Lorecraft Sun Sep 23, 2012 1:45 pm

    Alright, I'm looking into it all. What I've seen off the bat is how to fix our invitation problem, we need to have Questioner, and have using questioner set to true. Another thing I figured out the was way to let Admins give other people a town (without all the money and switching mayors issues) and make sure that members can create towns too. To make sure everyone can create a town just make sure permission: town_creation_admin_only: 'false'. same goes for nations of course. Now for Admins, so long as they are part of towny.admin then they use the command /t new (towname) (mayor) to create a new town with the defined mayor.

    Last edited by Lorecraft on Sun Sep 23, 2012 6:03 pm; edited 1 time in total
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    Post by Boblobster Sun Sep 23, 2012 1:46 pm

    Seriously, make Lore staff...

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    shop idea - Page 4 Empty Re: shop idea

    Post by Burnalot Sun Sep 23, 2012 3:01 pm

    Boblobster wrote:Seriously, make Lore staff...

    Or maybe you should attempt to do something adminish D:
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    Post by Boblobster Sun Sep 23, 2012 3:05 pm

    What do you think I am doing by moaning at Pat to do stuff ;P

    Also, Pr0 he's been under consideration since like July or something >_>, I'd say it's confidential but I'm not a fan of keeping things secret... especially when they don't need to be.

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    Post by Burnalot Sun Sep 23, 2012 3:09 pm

    Boblobster wrote:What do you think I am doing by moaning at Pat to do stuff ;P

    Also, Pr0 he's been under consideration since like July or something >_>, I'd say it's confidential but I'm not a fan of keeping things secret... especially when they don't need to be.

    You'r admin, you should be fixing the server at technical level by helping fermis Very Happy
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    Post by Boblobster Sun Sep 23, 2012 3:12 pm

    I'm sure me and Ferm would do a grand job, if we were allowed...

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    shop idea - Page 4 Empty Re: shop idea

    Post by mcuser12 Sun Sep 23, 2012 6:01 pm

    "Herp derp I'm going to broadcast my opinion in the general forums because it wasn't popular in the Staff section."
    If you want to discuss staff you should probably do it where appropriate.

    PvP will be enabled across all Survival maps minus the spawn area, so let's drop that issue.
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    Post by Boblobster Sun Sep 23, 2012 6:14 pm

    Gee Pat, don't do what the general consensus of members ask for, that'll certainly work to get us money and fame!

    Also, atleast here people will actually read the opinions... hell you asked for a yay or nay vote on Lore being staff. I was the only person to vote (or atleast, the only one so far).

    I mean honestly, some times it seems like you actually want the server to fail.

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    Post by Lorecraft Sun Sep 23, 2012 6:21 pm

    Or how about you shut up pat, and let the people who know what they're talking about make the decisions. For one, I'm not even in staff, so I can't be posting this in the staff section. Secondly, I find it disturbing that I found the solution to two issues we had with towny in five minutes, and you haven't found them in the months that they've been broken.

    Now on to the stuff that's actually important and could lead to any sort of progress for this server. I spent most of today learning about towny, and wow thats a powerful mod. You could practically run a server with it alone! It's certainly better than factions. The only reason anybody has been complaining about it is because it hasn't been implemented in all the right ways. Now, unfortunately with the damage done to the economy getting it up and working again would be difficult so, I suggest we do a real econ reset. But anyways, changing prices won't be too hard, and it even has a way of making it so that you have to be within x blocks of another town to start a new one. Also, making it so that only the staff could make it a town would be easy, just set it so that only staff can form towns (permissions: town_creation_admin_only: 'true'). I would say that we should leave making nations available for players though, because that doesn't add any new territory, just teams up preexisting towns. If you have any specific questions I'll be happy to answer them.
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    Post by Boblobster Sun Sep 23, 2012 6:23 pm

    Definitely make him staff...

    Also, deleting the other posts saying about the staff matter isn't going to make people forget about it...

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    Post by mcuser12 Sun Sep 23, 2012 7:19 pm

    Lorecraft wrote:Or how about you shut up pat, and let the people who know what they're talking about make the decisions
    Hmm well that's a great way to lead a well-tempered argument, not to mention the fact that we are discussing this over a text based forum board and I didn't speak over anybody.

    Everyone is pointing the finger at me when we obviously haven't come to a conclusion yet, the only thing that I'm certain of is that the survival worlds will have PvP.
    I am letting you guys decide but apparently I'm the devil who can do no right, desipite the fact that I would have shut the server down months ago if I actually followed what I wanted to do, but still run it because I know there were some people still dedicated. But whatever, I'll just keep on running the server and eating the shit everyone spews at me all day for everything.

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    Post by Lorecraft Sun Sep 23, 2012 7:38 pm

    Its funny when you play the victim, it really is. Makes me laugh. You clearly said that you were not going to put in everything we had been discussing, even told us to forget about it.
    PatrickFreed wrote:PvP will be enabled across all Survival maps minus the spawn area, so let's drop that issue.

    I lead with what has needed to be said for a long time now. You have always had the last say in things, and recently you have given little to no thought on people's ideas. If you dont want to run the server, why haven't you given ownership to someone else yet? That is something we should be discussing first and foremost.

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    Post by mcuser12 Sun Sep 23, 2012 7:45 pm

    Lorecraft wrote:Its funny when you play the victim, it really is. Makes me laugh. You clearly said that you were not going to put in everything we had been discussing, even told us to forget about it.
    All I've said is that PvP will be left on.
    Lorecraft wrote:I lead with what has needed to be said for a long time now. You have always had the last say in things, and recently you have given little to no thought on people's ideas.
    Of course you would know that, because you have access to the staff forums, right?
    Just because I have the last say doesn't mean I go against what the server wants.

    Was towny a vote? Yes.
    Was keeping both worlds my idea? no.
    Was even making a new world my idea? No.
    Has every staff decision ever been a vote? Yes.
    Has nearly every decision ever (besides nethrar, but thats a unique issue) been put to a vote? Yes.
    Lorecraft wrote: If you dont want to run the server, why haven't you given ownership to someone else yet? That is something we should be discussing first and foremost.
    I tried.

    Now let's keep this civil and stop attacking me. If you would like to see more examples of Ad Hominem just read about them, no need to practice them on me.

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    Post by Lorecraft Sun Sep 23, 2012 7:59 pm

    There's that playing the victim again. Thanks for the laugh, but I'm trying to be serious here. Note that I said peoples' ideas, not just staff's. Ideas should be open to the public, not to the 5 or so active staff we have. Lastly, i love your wording there, very clever, "not my idea". Way to get around saying "people were taking time to think about things until I just decided 'fuck it, we'll use this idea' ". Also, I didn't say that you having the last word was a bad thing, a lot of the time it is a very good word, but there are times when it's not, and recently there have been many more examples of the latter.

    I said a new owner was something we should be discussing first and foremost. This means get the whole server involved, make hem aware of the situation, and pass off your troubles as fast as possible.

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    Post by mcuser12 Sun Sep 23, 2012 8:01 pm

    The staff are staff for a reason: I trust them with the server. That's why I asked them.

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    Post by Lorecraft Sun Sep 23, 2012 8:04 pm

    If you trust them so much, let them run the server collectively :3

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    Post by mcuser12 Sun Sep 23, 2012 8:24 pm

    I do.

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    Post by Lorecraft Sun Sep 23, 2012 8:30 pm

    Then why are you complaining about running the server?

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    Post by mcuser12 Sun Sep 23, 2012 8:32 pm

    I'm not.

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    shop idea - Page 4 Empty Re: shop idea

    Post by Lorecraft Sun Sep 23, 2012 8:58 pm

    PatrickFreed wrote:I would have shut the server down months ago if I actually followed what I wanted to do, but still run it because I know there were some people still dedicated. But whatever, I'll just keep on running the server and eating the shit everyone spews at me all day for everything.

    You may not have said "I am complaining about my position," but you listed things you didn't like about it. Also, here you say that YOU are running the server, not the staff. When i say "let the staff run the server collectively" I mean let the staff relieve you of your position as owner. And I don't mean just try to hand it off to FERMIS, I mean let the staff work as a collective body and run the server with no higher power. Alternatively, we could open how we want the server to be run up to debate, across the whole server. Just because the staff have great ideas doesn't mean that nobody else on the server can strike genius every once in awhile.

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    Post by mcuser12 Sun Sep 23, 2012 8:59 pm

    I don't mind running the server, I mind the constant insults I get from everyone about everything.
    By that I mean the hosting, Fermis does the majority of backend stuff.

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    Post by Lorecraft Sun Sep 23, 2012 10:17 pm

    Well I'm sorry but so long as you are the one in highest power people will blame you for what goes wrong, because they see it as ultimately your decisions. You could try making staff threads public once a decision is made to show people how the decision was reached, and, to get back on topic here, you could try not doing what you did here, telling people that good ideas are actually bad and that you will not use them. Instead you could just let the staff do what they will, because they actually use the server and want to keep it going unlike you:
    PatrickFreed wrote:I would have shut the server down months ago if I actually followed what I wanted to do
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    Post by Ninjaplz Mon Sep 24, 2012 12:53 am

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    Post by Boblobster Mon Sep 24, 2012 10:44 am

    Getting the new world was a vote yes, but the plan to go with that is not let people take over their items, one little hiccup with ender chests though and you just said 'screw it' and let them take everything, rather than having to delay that little bit much more. I think it'd be best to delay more for a better result, than to delay all that time and cut it short to something you could have done in like 20 minutes...

    There again, getting creative was also a vote, but that's nowhere to be seen either... even though I did actually ask for a flatland map to be generated.

    Other than that though, I was the one fighting with him :C. I thought it was gonna be me vs 3z all over again (which you should all be able to see, but Pat moved it to staff section despite the original post being for members >:C, but that's all in the past now...).

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