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    League of Legends


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    League of Legends - Page 9 Empty Re: League of Legends

    Post by mcuser12 Sun Oct 21, 2012 11:06 pm

    Lol you lost to double smite yordle team
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    League of Legends - Page 9 Empty Re: League of Legends

    Post by Ninjaplz Sun Oct 21, 2012 11:09 pm

    Our sona only started warding at like 40 minutes after we were yelling at them. And people just kept running in alone and getting caught out (partially because we have no wards). And they just sucked

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    League of Legends - Page 9 Empty Re: League of Legends

    Post by mcuser12 Sat Nov 03, 2012 7:47 pm

    League of Legends - Page 9 LBIGq
    solo queue sucks
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    League of Legends - Page 9 Empty Re: League of Legends

    Post by Ninjaplz Sat Nov 03, 2012 8:38 pm


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    League of Legends - Page 9 Empty Re: League of Legends

    Post by Nearbeer Sat Nov 03, 2012 8:47 pm

    Lucky that was XD
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    League of Legends - Page 9 Empty Re: League of Legends

    Post by Ninjaplz Sat Nov 03, 2012 8:59 pm

    No dude. I saw her going to her blue. I know where they bring blue when giving it to mid. So I figured aniv was going to take it, so I took it

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    League of Legends - Page 9 Empty Re: League of Legends

    Post by Nearbeer Sun Nov 04, 2012 11:56 am

    Lucky timing wise. I wasn't talking about where you aimed it >.>
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    League of Legends - Page 9 Empty Re: League of Legends

    Post by Ninjaplz Tue Nov 06, 2012 2:05 am

    finally after a day of shitty games, this:
    League of Legends - Page 9 ZWwtT

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    League of Legends - Page 9 Empty Re: League of Legends

    Post by MonstaBoi Tue Nov 06, 2012 2:12 pm

    ...what exactly IS LoL? from what i gather it's DotA mixed with hero line wars?
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    League of Legends - Page 9 Empty Re: League of Legends

    Post by Ninjaplz Tue Nov 06, 2012 2:26 pm

    well it's dota. It's a standalone version of dota (from WCIII). The gametype is "MOBA" which stands for "Multiplayer Online Battle Arena." There are many games of this type, including the standalone Dota and Dota 2 (in beta), HoN, and LoL. I know league is free and I'm pretty sure HoN and dota are free. so you should try league out if you get a chance

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    League of Legends - Page 9 Empty Re: League of Legends

    Post by Nearbeer Tue Nov 06, 2012 7:48 pm

    Ninjaplz wrote:well it's dota. It's a standalone version of dota (from WCIII). The gametype is "MOBA" which stands for "Multiplayer Online Battle Arena." There are many games of this type, including the standalone Dota and Dota 2 (in beta), HoN, and LoL. I know league is free and I'm pretty sure HoN and dota are free. so you should try league out if you get a chance
    Dota 2 is free, but don't you have to have WoW installed to use DotA since it's an expansion?
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    League of Legends - Page 9 Empty Re: League of Legends

    Post by Ninjaplz Tue Nov 06, 2012 8:09 pm

    Nearbeer wrote:
    Ninjaplz wrote:well it's dota. It's a standalone version of dota (from WCIII). The gametype is "MOBA" which stands for "Multiplayer Online Battle Arena." There are many games of this type, including the standalone Dota and Dota 2 (in beta), HoN, and LoL. I know league is free and I'm pretty sure HoN and dota are free. so you should try league out if you get a chance
    Dota 2 is free, but don't you have to have WoW installed to use DotA since it's an expansion?

    oh man

    Dota is a standalone game. It was based on the DoTA gamestyle in WCIII. WoW is also a standalone game based on the WC series... however, WoW and Dota aren't related. I don't even think Blizzard owns the Dota franchise

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    League of Legends - Page 9 Empty Re: League of Legends

    Post by mcuser12 Tue Nov 06, 2012 8:15 pm

    Its owned by Valve

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    League of Legends - Page 9 Empty Re: League of Legends

    Post by Nearbeer Tue Nov 06, 2012 8:32 pm

    Ninjaplz wrote:
    Nearbeer wrote:
    Ninjaplz wrote:well it's dota. It's a standalone version of dota (from WCIII). The gametype is "MOBA" which stands for "Multiplayer Online Battle Arena." There are many games of this type, including the standalone Dota and Dota 2 (in beta), HoN, and LoL. I know league is free and I'm pretty sure HoN and dota are free. so you should try league out if you get a chance
    Dota 2 is free, but don't you have to have WoW installed to use DotA since it's an expansion?

    oh man

    Dota is a standalone game. It was based on the DoTA gamestyle in WCIII. WoW is also a standalone game based on the WC series... however, WoW and Dota aren't related. I don't even think Blizzard owns the Dota franchise
    Oops >.> World of Warcraft, Warcraft III, big difference.
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    League of Legends - Page 9 Empty Re: League of Legends

    Post by Ninjaplz Thu Nov 08, 2012 3:50 pm

    So I just recently started playing ranked instead of normals (soluque, play again) like a week ago. In like 4 days I got myself from ~1300 elo to 1385 elo playing jungle tanks (amumu,cho,nautilus). I was happy. My teams were good, which made tanking fun.
    In the past 2 or 3 days, I've dropped back to 1300 elo. I still play jungle tanks, I play the same, I do my job as a tank to the best of my ability.
    What I've noticed is two things: 1)If you give up 4 kills in the first 5 minutes of the game, I can't help your lane. As a tank jungler, my ganks rely on YOUR damage and my CC. If I can cc them, you need to kill them. But, if you are 0/4 in lane, the enemy will out-damage you every time and kill both of us.
    So this brings me to my first request: Please please please please please play WITH your jungler. As a jungler, I want to gank, I want to get you kills, I want to win. Never, ever, ever assume that I'm not ganking a lane because I don't feel like it. I always make a choice of which lane to gank based on how pushed they are, how low your health is compared to their health, and the damage output of both sides and CC of both sides. When the enemy wards your lane. Tell me where they warded so I know which way to come when I gank. If I ask you where it's warded, tell me where it's warded and we'll have a good time.
    The second thing I've noticed: Most of the games I lose are lost within 30 minutes. Almost all of the games I play that go beyond 30 minutes I win. With this in mind, your job in lane, at the very least, is to go even. If your lane is dead even, a jungle gank is going to boost the lane in your favor. If you are losing your lane, a jungle gank will maybe make the fight even, but you never, ever, ever want to willingly fight an even fight. So. If you lose your lane within the first 10 minutes. Your job is to not lose any harder. You have to farm what you can, and play super safe until we reach mid/late game.
    Something I heard a pro say (Theoddone or St.Vicious or someone): A jungler wins when the team wins and loses when the team loses.
    What this means, is if you are losing your lane, I'm also losing as a jungler. Even though it's not necessarily my fault that you're losing your lane, I'm still losing because now I have 1 less lane to gank. If their jungler is ganking your lane more than I am, it's most likely because A) you're too far pushed and don't have the proper sight to push, or B) you're losing your lane and the enemy jungle thinks it's an easy kill (easy to tower dive). I can try to countergank when that happens, but keep in mine I also have 2 other lanes to watch/protect/gank.
    Now, assuming we've made it out of lane phase relatively evenly, or even if we won laning phase, late-mid/late game are even more important.
    If your jungler is someone like Amumu. Stay with him. If you follow amumu and initiate when he initiates, you will win the team fight probably 75% of the time. If you see Amumu taking focus from the enemy team, stand behind him and attack the other team. ESPECIALLY if you're an AD carry.
    I attribute most of my recent losses to an ADC that doesn't know how to team fight. I've noticed that a lot of ADCs are afraid to AA people and position poorly in team fights. The biggest problem I've seen, is when the other team groups as 5 and my team refuses to stay with me. I ask them nicely to please stay with me so we can have a 5v5 instead of being picked off, then most of the time my ADC runs around the jungle farming pushed lanes or jungle camps, then gets caught out by the enemy team.
    Even if you're not super farmed, if you can sit in a fight and AA all day, we will most likely win the team fight. As Amumu, I run in and try to ult as many people as I possibly can, then start focusing their main threats. If they all converge on the ADC, I'll be right next to you doing as much damage and throwing out as much CC as I can. If only their tank is soloing you out and I'm taking on 4 of them by myself, kill the tank then come help me. Amumu can do that. Don't just run away because their tank is coming at you. Chances are you move way faster than the tank and can kite them to death.
    Also, as an ADC. Don't run into the fight and be okay with dying as long as you get 1 kill. If there's only 1/10 people alive after any team fight. I want it to be the ADC on my team. Even if we lose 4 people on our team, but ace theirs, you are the best person to push down a tower or two after a team fight. You can win every team fight in the game, but if you can't push any towers after the team fight, you will lose. Kills mean nothing if you have no towers.
    Another thing. Please listen to your tank/jungler when it comes to things like dragon/baron/pushing towers after team fights. One specific game comes to mind for me. We barely won a team fight (got like 3 for 2 or something), and were left by baron with <50% health. My team pings baron. I say no, no, no, no, no, no, no, v-ping, v-ping, v-ping, v-ping, no no no. They start baron, the enemy team comes in and wipes us for a free baron. Please. If your tank or jungle doesn't think that you have the damage output to take baron in time, don't start baron. If you win a team fight, go home, buy, get ready to win the next team fight. Don't do anything dumb.
    I feel I've been rambling a bit and kudos to anyone who's kept with me this long. I know I'm not the greatest player, and I don't ever think I'll ever be much above 1500-1600 elo, but I feel that with a good team who can work together, I should be able to climb to 1500 relatively quickly. I got +80 elo in a few games by being a tank and my ADC was able to deal the damage.
    Don't lose your lane in the first 10 minutes.
    If you lose your lane in the first 10 minutes, it is almost impossible for me to tank (unless we can snowball other lanes or get to super late game)
    Your #1 job in lane is to at least be even with your opponent
    Play as a TEAM, follow your tank, listen to what your tank says he will do, stay as a team, go for high-value targets first
    Remember, all junglers, especially tank junglers, are extremly reliant on your damage to win early game.
    (all this assumes that your tank is relatively competent and tanky)
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    League of Legends - Page 9 Empty Re: League of Legends

    Post by Ninjaplz Tue Nov 13, 2012 8:19 pm

    League of Legends - Page 9 Yi1UG

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    League of Legends - Page 9 Empty Re: League of Legends

    Post by mcuser12 Wed Nov 14, 2012 12:33 am

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    League of Legends - Page 9 Empty Re: League of Legends

    Post by Ninjaplz Wed Nov 14, 2012 12:49 am

    get carried

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    League of Legends - Page 9 Empty Re: League of Legends

    Post by mcuser12 Thu Dec 20, 2012 4:42 am

    League of Legends - Page 9 1D3l2
    played an aram with cop
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    League of Legends - Page 9 Empty Re: League of Legends

    Post by Ninjaplz Thu Dec 20, 2012 1:24 pm

    I'm better than cop

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    League of Legends - Page 9 Empty Re: League of Legends

    Post by mcuser12 Thu Dec 20, 2012 4:07 pm

    League of Legends - Page 9 1D45i
    Rest of curse showed up too
    And no you're not, lol.

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    League of Legends - Page 9 Empty Re: League of Legends

    Post by mcuser12 Sun Jan 06, 2013 4:11 am

    League of Legends - Page 9 1Kf97

    First penta ever, lol.

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    League of Legends - Page 9 Empty Re: League of Legends

    Post by Nearbeer Sun Jan 06, 2013 11:55 am

    I've only gotten one, and it was as twitch, too XD

    Before his makeover, though.

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    League of Legends - Page 9 Empty Re: League of Legends

    Post by mcuser12 Mon Jan 28, 2013 10:57 pm

    pentas with kat are pretty easy.

    League of Legends - Page 9 1UePR
    League of Legends - Page 9 1UeS8

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