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2 posters

    Donator's Thread (Rules Here!!)


    Posts : 295
    Join date : 2011-03-11
    Age : 31
    Location : Wales

    Donator's Thread (Rules Here!!) Empty Donator's Thread (Rules Here!!)

    Post by McPowell Thu Aug 04, 2011 9:04 pm

    This is the thread to inform you of some of the commands, rules and other perks of being a donator, if you wish to donate, please see the thread titled Why Donate? with more specific information of the different tiers of donating. It is very important that anyone who is currently a donator, or wishes to become a donator, reads at least the rules in this thread. The breach of any of these rules can have severe consequences on your position on the server and we will make it our duty to make it your responsibility to become familiar with these rules.


    Here are the list of commands that can be used by donators, if you get stuck on how to use them, just ask any of the donator+ in game, and they will try and help you:


    Only thing to note about teleporting is its potential danger of death, always ask before teleporting as it could result in a teleport into lava, or into a swinging player who will accidentally kill you instantly.

    /tpa [playername] - to teleport yourself to player
    /tpahere [playername] , /bring [playername] - to teleport a player to you
    /tpa [playername1] [playername2] - to teleport playername1 to playername2

    Magic Carpet

    Can be hard to use due to the lag, however can be very handy for reaching those high, hard to reach places when building bigger structures. Jump to move up, and by default, shift to move down, just move around normally in the air if the lag allows and the carpet will follow you.

    /mc - toggles magic carpet on and off - gives the player a 5 by 5 maneuverable glass 'carpet' to walk on
    /mc 3,5,7 - gives the player a 3 by 3, 5 by 5, 7 by 7 carpet
    /mcs - toggles between pressing shift to move down and looking down to move down - default set to pressing shift


    For quickly scaling the map and jumping up to high places, the compass has the /jumpto command coded into it to allow for convenient and quick use.

    Left clicking with compass in hand will jump the player to the block they are aiming at
    /jumpto - typable version of using the compass


    Right clicking on any entity within the game with saddle in hand will allow you to mount that entity, even enemy mobs and other players.

    There are a fair few commands for this along with a decent description here:


    Just because you donate to the server, does not mean that you are exempt from punishment for breaking any of these command specific rules that apply to donator+. This Donator for the Day scheme is also a test of how well you cope with commands that can be potentially abusive, so:

    • You may not use any of the commands listed to assist in killing or attacking any player. For example, you may not teleport to a player and kill them.
    • You may not use any of these commands to gain access to player's homes, structures etc when access is not possible without using these commands.
    • You may not use any of the commands to 'troll' another player, ie you cannot stalk a player and bug them whilst staying out of reach to prevent the trolled player from retaliation.
    • Though teleport killing is against the rules, if you teleport to a player without permission, and they are to kill you, it is a legitimate kill on their part, and the basic rules of pvp apply in this situation. TOP TIP: Ask permission before you teleport.
    • You may not teleport any player without their permission or against their will.

    If found to be breaking any of these rules, you will have your temporary donator status stripped, and you will be banned for a minimum of 24 hours, subject to rise with severity.

    Other Things

    We hope that having a taster of being a donator for the day will leave you feeling more inclined to donate to our server, help it run faster and allow more players while decreasing its lag. There are also other perks that come with donating that we can't give you a taster of; assuming you have donated $20, you will get, along with all the commands already listed:

    • The permission to start and lead a faction with the recently implemented factions plugin or,
    • A 50 by 50 region which will then be protected against any grief
    • 100 Freed for every dollar donated (2000 freed at $20 for example)
    • A custom name colour
    • The knowledge of being awesome Smile


    Posts : 295
    Join date : 2011-03-11
    Age : 31
    Location : Wales

    Donator's Thread (Rules Here!!) Empty Re: Donator's Thread (Rules Here!!)

    Post by McPowell Thu Aug 04, 2011 9:05 pm

    yeah to all you staff its a large copy of another thread of mine, but its all still relevent

    Posts : 5
    Join date : 2012-10-21

    Donator's Thread (Rules Here!!) Empty Re: Donator's Thread (Rules Here!!)

    Post by IceyDahBaws Mon Oct 22, 2012 1:53 pm


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    Donator's Thread (Rules Here!!) Empty Re: Donator's Thread (Rules Here!!)

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