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    Join date : 2011-07-31
    Age : 27
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    Spleef Empty Spleef

    Post by Boblobster Sat Jul 14, 2012 7:48 am

    That's right, we have that shit now.

    If you don't know what spleef is, it is a Minecraft minigame where the aim is to break blocks under your opponents' feet hoping that they fall off the platform. If you fall off you lose, if they fall off you win, simple.

    On winning a game of spleef you receive a minimum of 10 Freeds (5 Freed entry) along with prize items ranging from things like Diamonds and gold helms to a block of grass and some string.

    At the moment there are two working spleef arenas going for us, the one that has been in spawn completely unused since September and the one I built yesterday.

    The one in spawn is multi-levelled spleef but has a small area (like 15*15), where as the one I made is only one level and 49*49, which is a much bigger area.

    To play the one at spawn type /spleef join Multi and to get to the champion arena type /spleef join (I set it as the default by accident not because I'm a dick, even if that may be true >_>), or alternatively go to /warp spleefarena.

    As for the actual commands to spleef:

    /spleef join <Arena name/blank if default> - Teleports you to that Spleef arena's lounge before the game starts.

    /spleef ready - Sets you as ready for the game, if you don't type this the game can't start! Alternatively if you are waiting for people to join wait to type this to give them a chance to join. Once everyone has typed /spleef ready the game starts.

    /spleef leave - Leaves the current game

    /spleef watch <Arena name/blank> - Teleports you to the spectate area of the arena to watch the match if there is already one in progress or you can't be bothered to play.

    If you have any spleef arenas you want to make official tell me or FERMIS and we'll probably set that shit up for you (Fermis is a noob mind), you must have a play area where you break the blocks and then an area underneath where you lose if you touch. You can also have the option of making a pre-game lounge, spectator area, loser area and winner area.

    As for price I have no idea yet, this is the first time I'm mentioning it and there's a chance that the miserable bastards up top won't allow for players to make them >_>.

    If you have any ideas for game modes tell me or Ferm or something (or just post in the comments) and I'll see what I can do, for example you could have races to get to the win area rather than just have you lose for falling (I'm fairly sure I saw that in the commands at least) or have lava pools and shit in there. I'll listen to any suggestion Razz. Can't be arsed to re-read to check so hopefully this makes sense...

    Last edited by Boblobster on Sun Jul 15, 2012 9:08 pm; edited 1 time in total

    Posts : 587
    Join date : 2011-06-26

    Spleef Empty Re: Spleef

    Post by Nearbeer Sat Jul 14, 2012 10:57 am

    Sounds good to me. It's been long since I destroyed others in the arenas >;D

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