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Forum for FreedsUniverse SMP server.

4 posters

    Towny General Information


    Posts : 1832
    Join date : 2011-02-03

    Towny General Information Empty Towny General Information

    Post by mcuser12 Sun Jan 29, 2012 9:11 pm

    This information is vital for running and maintaining a successful Town. If you do not read this, you will lose your town and your money.

    For more information, read the command list and the "How Towny Works" article.

    Plot Management and Cost:
    Plot management is handled much like factions; for each person that joins your town, you gain the ability to gain one chunk. You are also able to purchase 10 chunks for 400 freeds each to get your town started. Initially, a town costs 10,000 freed to start one and 10,000 more to start a nation. When you start a town, you gain one chunk as a homeblock. You can claim plots around the homeblock for 25 freed each, providing you have enough residents. (If you don't, you can pay 400 for one as stated above) You can also pay 500 for an outpost, which is a plot not attached to the homeblock/surrounding claimed chunks and is useful for defense. A nation is basically a grouping of towns under one king in a capital town. I'll explain the relationship between nations, towns, and the player next.

    Taxes and Upkeep
    For each resident in a town, the town is charged 10 freeds a day. (24 hours, not minecraft day) Likewise, a nation is charged 100 freeds per town daily. In order to pay for this, the town/nation has a bank in which daily taxes from its members go. The king/mayor of a town/nation sets the daily tax on its members. If a member can't pay the tax, he is kicked from the city. If a town can't pay the nation tax, it is kicked from the nation. If a town or nation can't pay the upkeep, it is disbanded. The mayor/king of a nation/town can also deposit and withdraw funds from the bank.

    Relationship with Old System/Transportation
    Anyone who previously owned a Faction will now be mayor of a Towny town. Any regions you are using as cities or towns *can* stay where they are, but your warp will be removed. All warps will be handled by Towny now. As a mayor, you can set a spawn for your Town which will act as a spawn for when you die and a warp for the town. When people warp to your town, (/town spawn [name]), they pay you 10 freeds. If you are a resident of the town, you can just type /town spawn and pay nothing.

    For information on actually running the town, read the command list and the "How Towny Works" article.

    Last edited by PatrickFreed on Thu Nov 15, 2012 5:39 pm; edited 1 time in total

    Posts : 286
    Join date : 2011-10-25
    Age : 36
    Location : Mars

    Towny General Information Empty Re: Towny General Information

    Post by rowanmc19 Sun Jan 29, 2012 11:43 pm

    1. What if we never started a faction but had the ability to? like myself Razz
    2.Does that include private warps or do you just mean public warps we got are removed?

    Glad its moving in Very Happy

    Posts : 1832
    Join date : 2011-02-03

    Towny General Information Empty Re: Towny General Information

    Post by mcuser12 Sun Jan 29, 2012 11:47 pm

    1. You get a town
    2. Private warps are unaffected, the only public warps that will stay are ones gotten via donation.

    I've done most of the configuration; I just need to move the stuff over and update the rest of the server too. I decided to do an entire update tomorrow instead of just hacking in towny tonight.

    Posts : 286
    Join date : 2011-10-25
    Age : 36
    Location : Mars

    Towny General Information Empty Re: Towny General Information

    Post by rowanmc19 Sun Jan 29, 2012 11:50 pm

    ohh good idea .. an damn youre too fast tonight haha

    3. are we gonna have permis for the commands to start our town an all or do we still have to go through mods?

    Sorry Razz i like spotting key details haha

    Posts : 1832
    Join date : 2011-02-03

    Towny General Information Empty Re: Towny General Information

    Post by mcuser12 Mon Jan 30, 2012 12:22 am

    Everything can be done by you without our interference. Only thing is if you had the ability to make a faction before (via donation) or already had one, we would make it for you so you can keep your freed.

    Posts : 286
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    Age : 36
    Location : Mars

    Towny General Information Empty Re: Towny General Information

    Post by rowanmc19 Mon Jan 30, 2012 2:02 am

    Oh so we donators of 20+ dont gotta pay 10k for the town? thats sounds awesome Very Happy

    Posts : 286
    Join date : 2011-10-25
    Age : 36
    Location : Mars

    Towny General Information Empty Re: Towny General Information

    Post by rowanmc19 Mon Jan 30, 2012 9:52 pm

    Last very important question i have XD... can we still buy custom land protection as stated in here:

    cuz if not, private land will become very limited...

    Posts : 1832
    Join date : 2011-02-03

    Towny General Information Empty Re: Towny General Information

    Post by mcuser12 Mon Jan 30, 2012 10:39 pm

    You can.

    Posts : 1832
    Join date : 2011-02-03

    Towny General Information Empty Re: Towny General Information

    Post by mcuser12 Mon Jan 30, 2012 11:00 pm

    Towny implementation postponed until tomorrow due to...complications.
    In-Game Admin

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    Age : 32

    Towny General Information Empty Re: Towny General Information

    Post by FERMIS Tue Jan 31, 2012 10:43 am

    -un sniped-
    This is my own opinion
    "I believe the reason is pat is lazy =p"
    I have come to this conclusion over a long period of time of observing pats behavior. This may indeed be false but as stated in the first amandment I have a right to express my self. This also doesn't violate any of the forum rules so I don't understand why somebody felt the need to censor this. ACTA hasn't passed I WANT MY INTERNET!!!!

    Also I greatly respect pat. =p

    Pats thoughts below for reference
    I don't appreciate blind judgments that simply aren't true.

    Posts : 1832
    Join date : 2011-02-03

    Towny General Information Empty Re: Towny General Information

    Post by mcuser12 Wed Feb 08, 2012 11:22 pm

    This is my own opinion: FERMIS is noob.

    Also, twas censored because the plebians were calling me lazy, can't have that or people will get hurt.

    Posts : 551
    Join date : 2011-03-25

    Towny General Information Empty Re: Towny General Information

    Post by Burnalot Thu Feb 09, 2012 11:22 am

    Thumbs up for towny, pat. good job. (better late, than never)

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    Towny General Information Empty Re: Towny General Information

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