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    Let`s Play Series

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    Let`s Play Series Empty Let`s Play Series

    Post by 3zeki3l Thu Mar 31, 2011 11:18 pm

    I think that it would be cool to do a "Let`s Play" series for the server, to advertise and for some fun.

    Here`s an example of one of the most popular "Let`s plays" if not the MOST popular. In recent episodes Notch has made some guest appearances and im sure he`ll be back.

    (first episode, check out the rest of their videos)

    However we will need a cameraman with fraps or whatnot, not to mention a chat program for us to communicate.

    Also we cant have everyone on the server be a part of the chatting as that would undoubtedly be annoying as hell.

    A few people can be a constant part of the series throughout the series with a member joining in each episode etc.

    Those who are taking part will go far away from civilization, and we should set some rules. (We can show off the server for a first episode or whatever)

    Ok well whats everyone think? If we like the idea its probably best to start when the server is updated to 1.4, this should be a great way to advertise the server. We can post the videos at other forums, websites etc. to get people to watch.

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    Let`s Play Series Empty Re: Let`s Play Series

    Post by Burnalot Fri Apr 01, 2011 5:37 am

    Its not a bad idea, would serve as good advertisment for the server, however why copy something that someone has already done before? Isn't there something someone has not done yet that can be accompished?

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    Let`s Play Series Empty Re: Let`s Play Series

    Post by mcuser12 Fri Apr 01, 2011 6:43 am

    sounds good, only thing is I can't talk that much because it'll annoy the hell out of people in my house. (I assume they don't want to hear me banter on about minecraft) But sometimes it's just me here, so it could work during those times.
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    Let`s Play Series Empty Re: Let`s Play Series

    Post by 3zeki3l Fri Apr 01, 2011 2:56 pm

    Burn there are a million lets plays everywhere, captain sparkles, slyfox, pbat, to name a few are the most popular. Though they all essentially do the same thing. Some are more entertaining than others, but "lets plays" are not unique. However i have yet to see one like what Im describing (in a large server). We just need to be entertaining.
    The yogscast is pretty much the only unique one as they added a 'storyline" later into their series with them commentating.

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    Let`s Play Series Empty Re: Let`s Play Series

    Post by McPowell Fri Apr 01, 2011 5:22 pm

    i do like this idea alot and would love to be a part of it, even if i am just playing without chatting...i cant record it though, ive never recorded in my life using anything like FRAPS Razz and whats the deal if people have already done will be really fun to do in my opinion, plus, i havent seen any good let's plays on a large server with a few people before (with the exception of bluexephos of course) so maybe we can begin something new XD (wishful thinking) but even if it turns out to be shit, it should be some good fun

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    Let`s Play Series Empty Re: Let`s Play Series

    Post by Burnalot Fri Apr 01, 2011 6:43 pm

    3zeki3l wrote:Burn there are a million lets plays everywhere, captain sparkles, slyfox, pbat, to name a few are the most popular. Though they all essentially do the same thing. Some are more entertaining than others, but "lets plays" are not unique. However i have yet to see one like what Im describing (in a large server). We just need to be entertaining.
    The yogscast is pretty much the only unique one as they added a 'storyline" later into their series with them commentating.

    Alright since you put it that way, go for it Very Happy
    I have just seen a few of those things and they are more about humor than anything else.

    Just let me know if I can be of any help, im not afraid to make a complete ass of myself.

    Any ideas for a name or how to start off?
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    Let`s Play Series Empty Re: Let`s Play Series

    Post by 3zeki3l Fri Apr 01, 2011 7:11 pm

    Well planning is pointless until one of us gets fraps, or maybe one of us already does. Either way we need some way or form to record other than pointing a camera at the screen.

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    Let`s Play Series Empty Re: Let`s Play Series

    Post by mcuser12 Fri Apr 01, 2011 7:25 pm

    In previous times, I've used an HD camera to record the screen, done some cropping and color correction and what you get is a perfect picture, no lag screen recorder. Razz

    Until I set up a mumble server, we won't be able to talk, unless there's such thing as group skype.

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    Let`s Play Series Empty Re: Let`s Play Series

    Post by Burnalot Fri Apr 01, 2011 7:33 pm

    Downloaded fraps just now, seems to be working fine for me at least.
    Already did a small recording on server. dosent seem to affect quality.
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    Let`s Play Series Empty Re: Let`s Play Series

    Post by 3zeki3l Fri Apr 01, 2011 8:32 pm

    Cool guys sounds good. Im PRETTY sure Ninja uses Mumble, not sure if he has a server though.. BTW im pretty sure u can talk to multiple people with skype. Would seem odd if you couldnt. also Im sure there are several free programs that we could use.
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    Let`s Play Series Empty Re: Let`s Play Series

    Post by Rang3ramhard Fri Apr 01, 2011 9:01 pm

    I have mumble also so im down to chat.

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    Let`s Play Series Empty Re: Let`s Play Series

    Post by McPowell Sat Apr 02, 2011 8:45 am

    you CAN have group chat on skype, not sure where the limit for how many people per chat room would end though, another problem would be recording our voices through skype and having the sound from minecraft come through without any delay or issues like that...same with mumble, i mean i have both but im not sure how we'd capture the sound for the recording along with minecraft Razz regardless, we need to do a test record when someone finds a way to record, all of us in chat (or whoever will be voice chatting) and a quick little play, make sure we get the voices and gameplay in one...and i just noticed i repeated the same thing over and over again here XD... not rewording it now though Razz

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    Let`s Play Series Empty Re: Let`s Play Series

    Post by Burnalot Sat Apr 02, 2011 9:25 am

    I dont recomend skype for groups of 4-5 or more. It is posible to do, but from my experience its not ideal.
    Its better to run a server side program such as mumble, vent or ts and connect by client.
    It does not drain your system too much (unless you got a pc from 10 years ago or so).
    Seting one up aint a problem either. Download, addjust and run.
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    Let`s Play Series Empty Re: Let`s Play Series

    Post by 3zeki3l Sun Apr 03, 2011 1:41 am

    So burn did u buy fraps? because i tried to get it and the free version only records about 30 seconds of footage.. Though there may be free video software somewhere, so that can be an alternative to buying fraps, at the moment im pretty burnt so Ill try and find some later

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    Let`s Play Series Empty Re: Let`s Play Series

    Post by McPowell Sun Apr 03, 2011 9:20 am

    i know it's naughty but perhaps you could torrent the software if you needed it that much Razz

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    Let`s Play Series Empty Re: Let`s Play Series

    Post by Burnalot Sun Apr 03, 2011 11:46 am

    3zeki3l wrote:So burn did u buy fraps? because i tried to get it and the free version only records about 30 seconds of footage.. Though there may be free video software somewhere, so that can be an alternative to buying fraps, at the moment im pretty burnt so Ill try and find some later

    Yea tried the trial one as well, has only 30 sec recording.
    Im useing older version of it that I found laying around the net...
    Only lacks a button for mic, so its pretty much continuous.
    Unless ofcorse you got a mic that has a button attached to it (wich i happen to have).
    Very Happy

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    Let`s Play Series Empty Re: Let`s Play Series

    Post by McPowell Sun Apr 03, 2011 12:44 pm

    This is going to be AWESOME (CAPS!) im not sure if i will be welcome in the chat, being british and all, but id love to be involved in the movie in some way running round XD what ideas to people have then for making the video, i mean, if we go in blind without a plan, we'll end up not knowing what to talk about or even do and it'll be what kinda thing did we have in a new adventure from scratch with a few people, no commands or anything, or a story based thing (which will take ALOT of work) or some kinda touristy thing around our server? I'm not sure what the angle is yet.

    In my opinion, it should be a fresh adventure with a few people...maybe we could do two teams of people building about 100 blocks away or something and have some wars going on or something, with some rules or something, maybe have two people recording it that way on the separate teams...just a suggestion Razz

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    Let`s Play Series Empty Re: Let`s Play Series

    Post by mcuser12 Sun Apr 03, 2011 12:48 pm

    McPowell wrote:This is going to be AWESOME (CAPS!) im not sure if i will be welcome in the chat, being british and all, but id love to be involved in the movie in some way running round XD what ideas to people have then for making the video, i mean, if we go in blind without a plan, we'll end up not knowing what to talk about or even do and it'll be what kinda thing did we have in a new adventure from scratch with a few people, no commands or anything, or a story based thing (which will take ALOT of work) or some kinda touristy thing around our server? I'm not sure what the angle is yet.

    In my opinion, it should be a fresh adventure with a few people...maybe we could do two teams of people building about 100 blocks away or something and have some wars going on or something, with some rules or something, maybe have two people recording it that way on the separate teams...just a suggestion Razz
    Mcpowell, I think your accent will be makes the recording xD
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    Let`s Play Series Empty Re: Let`s Play Series

    Post by 3zeki3l Sun Apr 03, 2011 1:54 pm

    Yes mcpowell, Americans like British voices. We hire British people for voice-overs all the time haha.

    Here`s a few rules i think we should use:
    No commands, No warps etc. No spawning anything, no mods that make things easier for people.

    We could try and get into character, would make things more interesting. However a script may be too fake, somehow i doubt we`re all actors.

    For the first episode we talk about the server, Pat can do that, we show the place off, like ninjas farms and other architectural wonders, talk a bit about the rules, then we lay down what we wont do while were out in the wilderness. We head out as far as we possibly can, and perhaps try and survive until we find civilization. Like one of those survivalist TV shows. Mcpowell you can be bear grylls. Time to drink your own piss.

    One thing we have to remember is to always be entertaining, be random, be quick witted, and do shit to eachother (haha), but dont try to hard of course. We can give opinions about the game, about certain aspects of it, and about the server etc.

    Another popular thing is being inept, omfgcata got a ton of views when he played minecraft for the very first time because he was such a newb. He was later invited to do a crossover with three of the biggest names in minecraft "lets plays": slyfoxhound, and the Yogscast (Simon and Lewis, who are british by the way)


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    Let`s Play Series Empty Re: Let`s Play Series

    Post by McPowell Sun Apr 03, 2011 4:40 pm

    ok thats sweet, i completely agree with the rules (except maybe tping if you die and we're miles away like Razz) and i like how me being british makes the cut of the chatters, only problem is (once we get the who's recording shit sorted) is timing, since i live in britain and all, the timing will be a bit off in terms of late here...early there, but im sure we can sort something out...early night around 8 for me should be doable for you guys maybe? im not sure, it should be fine if recordings done on the weekend though Razz.

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    Let`s Play Series Empty Re: Let`s Play Series

    Post by mcuser12 Sun Apr 03, 2011 4:47 pm

    McPowell wrote:ok thats sweet, i completely agree with the rules (except maybe tping if you die and we're miles away like Razz) and i like how me being british makes the cut of the chatters, only problem is (once we get the who's recording shit sorted) is timing, since i live in britain and all, the timing will be a bit off in terms of late here...early there, but im sure we can sort something out...early night around 8 for me should be doable for you guys maybe? im not sure, it should be fine if recordings done on the weekend though Razz.
    If we were to do them, I think it would be on the weekend.

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    Let`s Play Series Empty Re: Let`s Play Series

    Post by McPowell Sun Apr 03, 2011 5:07 pm

    lol, do you have to quote when mine was the last post? XD seems like a waste of precious bytes to me, but more to the, then we shouldnt have a problem so long as we arrange it, have we decided who's guna record yet, if this is guna work we need to push to avoid the ol' cant be fucked stage

    lol guna edit and say, im pushing for next weekend Razz
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    Let`s Play Series Empty Re: Let`s Play Series

    Post by 3zeki3l Mon Apr 04, 2011 6:59 pm

    Game cam, and camstudio are both free programs that can record minecraft, however minecraft lags for me enough already, perhaps someone with a better computer?

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    Let`s Play Series Empty Re: Let`s Play Series

    Post by McPowell Mon Apr 04, 2011 7:46 pm

    my specs are pretty low too actually...on a laptop with 3gb memory and 2.0 ghz...fine to play minecraft AND multitask and all that, but probably not good enough to record in a good quality...struggle desperately if i try and run a server and play at the same time, not sure if me recording is a good idea actually, will give it a try though if no one else is up for it mind

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    Let`s Play Series Empty Re: Let`s Play Series

    Post by mcuser12 Tue Apr 05, 2011 6:33 pm

    McPowell wrote:my specs are pretty low too actually...on a laptop with 3gb memory and 2.0 ghz...fine to play minecraft AND multitask and all that, but probably not good enough to record in a good quality...struggle desperately if i try and run a server and play at the same time, not sure if me recording is a good idea actually, will give it a try though if no one else is up for it mind
    I quote what I want bitch!

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