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Forum for FreedsUniverse SMP server.

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    State of the Server


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    State of the Server Empty State of the Server

    Post by Lorecraft Thu Oct 25, 2012 8:19 pm

    Alright, so this is a big post with a lot of words, I know. Just do your best and try to get through it, I put a fair amount of time into this.


    My fellow Freedians, I am posting now in light of current events, that I may do the best I can without being staff to help this server. Recently, we have absorbed Orcworm, and to all old Orcworm players, welcome to Freeds. We have done and are continuing to do everything in our power to make this easy for you, so we do hope that you will keep playing and join with the Freedsuniverse community. I believe that we can use this merge as an opportunity to get things done and improve the server. Now, there are several issues I would like to address, being essentially economy, Towny, and a proper sorting of problems. I thank you all for taking interest, and I ask that you please hear me out.

    The first issue I would bring to the table is economy. For those Orcs who were not aware, Freedsuniverse has been suffering economic difficulties for a long time now, and though we have made small stabs at fixing it, nothing has been substantial enough to work. One very popular thread currently is the Gil -> Freeds thread, where Orcs can ask for their old Gil balances back in freeds. This would seem to me to be an idea that, while pleasing the Orcs, would further destabilize the economy of this server. One of the actions taken towards fixing the Freed economy was a wipe of everyone's balances, setting everybody down to 100 again. Adding in new players who start with thousands of Freeds is counterproductive. Seeing as this is the case, and seeing as how we want everyone to be treated equally, I suggest we take this time to go for a full economic reset.

    Along with this should come economic reform to prevent insane destabilization from happening again and to encourage more player-to-player communication, for which I have a very detailed and thought out plan. After setting everybody's balances back to around 50, we would create an admin shop where players can sell all items of value for low prices to replace the killing of mobs as the way of getting money. Then, hard working players could manage to make enough money from their extra stuff that they would be able to set up a market or a town with its own markets with better prices for sellers and where people could actually buy goods. As people flock to the shops to get better deals on items they sell, they can also buy what they need, giving the shop/town owner more money. This creates a wealthy upper class of town/business owners. The average person would go to the city to get more money for selling their things, and would form a good sized middle class. New people would enter as lower class, with only around 30 freed. The new people would then likely flock towards towns, where they can sell things at higher prices than at the admin shop, and in that way, the admin shop, the only way of destabilizing the economy by creating more money, eventually becomes unused. This nice class system give people something to strive for, and without money constantly being generated (like it had been with rewards for mob-killing) the money will be going from player to player, shifting power, instead of becoming a stagnant upper class server. With all of these economic policies in place, I think we would be taking quite a nice step forwards in improving the server, and making a more functioning economy for the new larger playerbase.

    The next big topic for the server is Towny. Yes, Towny gets it's own section, it damn well deserves it. Towny is the most powerful and utilizable plugin of its kind. If we want an active community building economy server, there is no better plugin. For all the Orcs who dont know what this is, and for Freedians who have horrible misconceptions, Towny is a plugin which, on a basic scale, has a wonderful way of setting up in-depth towns, with taxes, division of town land ownership, outpost claims, and the ability to upgrade to a nation and join other towns together under your banner. Each area of protected town land is controlled by the owner, giving the owner the ability to limit different block permissions, and even making it possible to distinguish allowing permissions among enemies, allies, and town members. It also has 2 built in war functions which allow for land capture, assassination of leaders, bankrupting enemy nations, and even spoils of war when you win, and all in a very controllable system. The last main things that makes Towny great are the fact that Towny has multiple ways of harnessing an economy that is getting out of control, and that it can be anywhere from 0-100% player run, allowing for a server to decide what is just the right amount of staff involvement.

    Now, what can Towny do with all that? The truth is, Towny can do a host of things, but I focus now on its main use. Towny has the incredible ability to create an organized, active, virtual society. It gives people something to get rich for aside from being rich, the ability to have zoned land that you own, and the chat markings of a town leader. It also gives middle class people more of a reason to go move to a city; Towny cities can be much more involved and fun, and grant you nice protection from enemies. Then with the nation upgrades, towns that stand economically and militarily above the rest can show what they are made of, uniting many smaller towns under one capital city. As multiple nations rise to power, wars can break out, with structured combat systems that actually lead to gains and losses for nations and towns involved. Leaders of nations can award valiant fighters or great merchants with chat titles, and even grant others the ability to help them rule with the assistant status. Economically, Towny has an automatic tax system which is customizable for each individual town. If a tax isn't paid, then the citizen of the town is kicked out. These taxes dont just feed the leader though, they are needed to pay for a town/nation upkeep, and the money put into the upkeep isn't necessarily lost forever either, it is put into the pool of money for rewarding the winners of wars. If a town fails to pay it's upkeep, then it is deleted, and if a nation doesn't pay what it needs to, then the capital city is stripped of its power and the union between towns is dissolved. Within each town, a mayor can decide to sell different town sectors to citizens, and have the town upkeep paid by taxing the landowners. Also, a mayor can designate certain town sectors to be shops, arenas, embassies, or wild plots, giving a specific area to build shops, a pvp-enabled zone within one's town zone, a place where non-citizens can buy within your city, and allowing for natural areas within one's town. Towny isn't only able to determine how land works within towns, but also allows for the staff to set specifics on how close or far towns have to be in respect to one-another, allowing for the creation of a focused area where civilization thrives, and then for a uncivilized wilderness for people who enjoy that style of minecraft. This also means that pvp rules could become less strict, people could live in the protected civilization areas if they want to avoid it, and if they do want to be pvp-ing all the time, then they can live out in the wilderness.
    With all of those capabilities, Towny makes the game of minecraft much more interesting, and leaves the player with a lot of options of how exactly they want to use Towny to accomplish various goals.

    The third and final topic I wish to discuss is a general fixing of problems, and how I think it should be handled. Needless to say, there are plenty of minor problems that we have with the merging of the two servers, and it will take a fair deal of sorting to fix it all. One thing that I must immediately advise we do not do, is leave things as they are, or do as little as possible to just make the server run. What I highly recommend is a complete server tune-up. We have added a fair number of plugins, and changed data for some others. The best thing we can do now, in my opinion, is to run through all of the different plugins we have and test them and fiddle with them until they work properly with permissions, and with all other plugins that we have. It may take some time, but it is the best thing we can do. We must really try to get rid of as few plugins as possible, and only do so when absolutely necessary (i.e. an exploited plugin, a plugin that does not work with a more important, less replaceable plugin). Secondly, we should generate a new world, seeing as right now there is a great divide between the Orcs and the Freedians, with neither group having much reason, if any, to go to the other server's world. The only way to really integrate the two groups is to have a single map, and choosing either of the current maps would leave half of the sever unhappy, and give the other half a large advantage. The other large reason for getting a new map is the fact that there is a minecraft update soon with actual changes to world generation, and one of the most important things about running a server is, unless you are a server who exists to be antique, to stay up-to-date with the current minecraft world. Yes Pat, the current Freeds world is only a few weeks old, but it is still not the updated world generation, and because you allowed item carry over, most Freedians already have well established bases. That's largely unfair for the Orcs who have to lose all of their builds and start fresh while the Freedians can relax in their fancy homes. Some Freedians may recognize the feel of this idea from my post about a Grand Reopening for Freeds Universe. That would be because this stems from the same idea. The only difference is that now, we have a reason. Now we really have got problems between plugins to sort out, and, more importantly, now we really are a new server, we are now the combination of Orcworm and Freedsuniverse, and we should give ourselves a nice welcome to the minecraft world with an established opening of the united server. We are supporting a large playerbase and an active community, so we should do our best to make it the best time they have had in minecraft yet.

    There has been quite the change to the server recently, and now is the time to take action and be spurred to get positive results. I have been an activist for making the server better for a while now, often with very slow improvements, if any at all. One thing I remember Boblobster saying was that a major factor needed for change was staff incentive, and that was likely only going to be produced through a rush of activity. Well, now we have a rush of activity; we have plenty of things to fix up and make better, and an influx of people to make some plugins more useful. And maybe, just maybe, this means that we can get something done now. I thank you all for reading this and hearing what I have to say, and I hope that you all consider these points for the server.

    --Previous posts that go into more detail--
    Grand Reopening

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    State of the Server Empty Re: State of the Server

    Post by Nearbeer Thu Oct 25, 2012 8:49 pm

    Alright lore, you kinda overdid the length this time >.>

    I'm not saying tl;dr, I read the whole thing. And I'm sure you're aware by now I agree with you entirely.

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    State of the Server Empty Re: State of the Server

    Post by Lorecraft Thu Oct 25, 2012 8:55 pm

    Yeah... to be fair there was a lot of material to be covered. Maybe I'll put up a reading of it... Intended to be a speech anyways.

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    State of the Server Empty Re: State of the Server

    Post by mcuser12 Thu Oct 25, 2012 9:35 pm

    Note: I haven't read this yet so this response may not make sense.

    If support still exists for towny, I'll definitely re-add it. I disabled it because I thought it was messing with auctions, deaths, chat, and the server crashes.
    Once I get everything settled I'll see if towny will fit in, although to be honest it was just a racket for you lore to swindle people out of their money, lol.

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    State of the Server Empty Re: State of the Server

    Post by lolyounoob1 Thu Oct 25, 2012 10:24 pm

    I just wanted to point out that we have two maps, one for freed and one for orcworm, and you can tp between them-from this quote: "That's largely unfair for the Orcs who have to lose all of their builds and start fresh while the Freedians can relax in their fancy homes."

    Otherwise I will read through this tommorrow when I don't have a calculus test to study for ;p

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    State of the Server Empty Re: State of the Server

    Post by Lorecraft Thu Oct 25, 2012 10:34 pm

    Yes, we have two maps at the moment, and that is causing a divide between players. The quote you are referring to is assuming the situation that pat, trying to bring the two server groups together, deletes the Orcworm map, leaving only the newer Freeds map.

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    State of the Server Empty Re: State of the Server

    Post by CheeseXman Thu Oct 25, 2012 10:51 pm

    HOLY SH** lore. How long did this take you?!?!?!

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    State of the Server Empty Re: State of the Server

    Post by Ciphon Thu Oct 25, 2012 11:03 pm

    how do you even get inbetween the maps?

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    State of the Server Empty Re: State of the Server

    Post by mcuser12 Thu Oct 25, 2012 11:03 pm

    there is a tp at spawn

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    State of the Server Empty Re: State of the Server

    Post by Drizzous Fri Oct 26, 2012 1:34 am

    I agree with you regarding the economy, as much as I would hate giving up 100k >.< I feel as though a strong economy where everyone is participating makes the game really fun. As of now for the Orcworm server, at spawn all the shops are just a wasteland of abandoned work. A map reset would also help the economy and having a single map for Freedians and Orc-ians would also in my opinion be better.

    For Towny, I believe Pat made the right move. Removing Towny which caused many, more essential plugins to fail was necessary. It would be nice in the future to have it back, but it isn't essential right now. Perhaps after a map/freed reset.

    General changes to the server have been great. After posting about shops not working, within 12 hours it was fixed. Very Happy

    All in all, I agree with your ideas for an economic overhaul and agree with Map/Freed resets to bring back a thriving economy.


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    State of the Server Empty Re: State of the Server

    Post by uberblake Fri Oct 26, 2012 2:03 am

    The Towny section seemed a bit like a useless advertisement, the economic fix seemed a bit like a grinding prison server, and keeping a million plugins causes lag. Plus, a server shouldn't be based completely on its plugins, for that is not what makes the game more enjoyable.

    I like the idea of a map reset, but I'm just now finishing my amazing tower and would hate to see it go...

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    State of the Server Empty Re: State of the Server

    Post by Lorecraft Fri Oct 26, 2012 9:15 am

    @ Drizzous: Yeah, most of the things were designed to be implemented after the last one. I mean, Towny is a plugin based off economy, so without a good one it is kind of useless.

    @uberblake: The Towny section was simply telling people what Towny can do because if people don't know, then they most certainly won't care if it goes. Secondly, keeping a lot of plugins does NOT make the server run poorly if you configure them all correctly, and even though it is true that plugins are not everything, they are a large part of why people play a particular server over another. If a server has no plugins, what is to keep you and your friends playing there instead of heading over to some other server?

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    State of the Server Empty Re: State of the Server

    Post by _Brain_Dead_ Fri Oct 26, 2012 10:02 am

    don't like the idea of a map reset worked hard for my money i have at the moment and i spent ALOT of hours clearing a place( still clearing it ) wher i am going to build
    so al that work will be for nothing if ther is gonna be a map reset i believe other orcworm players will agree on that.

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    State of the Server Empty Re: State of the Server

    Post by Grintendo. Fri Oct 26, 2012 10:30 am

    Lorecraft wrote:Yes, we have two maps at the moment, and that is causing a divide between players. The quote you are referring to is assuming the situation that pat, trying to bring the two server groups together, deletes the Orcworm map, leaving only the newer Freeds map.

    Perhaps a map restart? But i think it'll make more sense to do one of those when an update occurs that requires it for certain features personally.
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    State of the Server Empty Re: State of the Server

    Post by Boblobster Fri Oct 26, 2012 12:32 pm

    Oh fucking hell Lore now I have to read this shit seeing as I always have something to say about everything ever... give me three hours.

    Well now that I've read that may as well give comments seeing as me and Lore are normally the frontline people for moaning and bringing up ideas... though I will admit his have quite a decent amount more structure where as I just ramble for a bit and go on rants at Pat. Alot of the stuff I moan about is in the staff forums too.


    I agree, needs a reset. I know people have spent a bloody while getting money from killing mobs, but as fun and rewarding as standing afk for three hours only to click for one more in order to horde thousands of Freeds that you don't ever need is... I think having a proper economy where people sell items for money (rather than whore the money infinitely with no downside) it's gonna work alot better, (refer to what Lore said for why).


    Towny definitely has huge potential, it's just the problem at the moment is noone knows how to use it and the fact there's only like 3 towns (well was). I agree we should definitely put it back in after everything has settled but maybe have a few threads explaining commands and applying for a town/nation in the hopes that we can actually get it to work, I'll trust you (Lore) to do all the explanation shit seeing as you clearly have the most expertise in the matter. I'm just saying that just because we've done shite all with is thus yet, it doesn't mean we can't do it in future, and that people shouldn't be using the fact that none of us knew how to use it as an excuse to say it's shit.

    Overall, with Towny I say give the server time to settle and teach people how to use it before putting it back in. I'd rather slow progress (not as slow as before >_>) than no progress by trying to force it immediately.


    Yes we do definitely need one, but it doesn't need to be immediately. Give it an update or so and alot of preparation time to make sure it isn't a massive shock when it does. by preparation I mean:

    - Make sure the map is saved and good to be downloaded while it is still up, so people don't have complications.
    - Copy some of the builds, not necessarily to be put on the new map because it would defeat the purpose, but to slam them on a creative world {provided I can convince Pat... I have my ways C:< [and by that I mean constant pestering (doesn't always work, also TRIPLE BRACKETS)which doesn't help because I rarely have the attention span meself] to make him do things I assure you} so that people can keep improving them without the complications, and so that they can be viewed without making it unfair on the economy and all that.
    - Make sure we can actually fix the problem with cross-world ender-chests if it's gonna be a gradual change.
    - Gives more time to build the spawn and copy it in on a fresh world rather than doing it after making a new world and pissing it up.
    - Gives time to try out the new economy and towny to see if they can work.

    If we did it immediately it would just be a shambles and would piss everyone off, especially since we only just had one (yes I know you said that it's not up to date, but apart from some new generation stuff theres not that much extra in 1.4 in terms of that, plus we actually need a 1.4 build anyway which'll take a week or so). That and the fact that there's no way Pat can be swayed to do it Immediately anyway...


    1. I think we (and by that I mean Pat) should set up a vanilla 1.4 world on another slot (not a clue how that stuff works) so people who have updated and dont want to backdate still have a place to play for a while. I know for sure that if you backdate you lose your statistics else i'd prob have like 50 days playing time or something stupid (I mean just last summer when I got it it went up to 12 days, and my current one is 12 days from Feb), so I dont plan on doing that.

    2. Something 'bout creative mode and wanting it.

    3. Now that Towny is gone you can fix death messages and auctions not appearing for the plebians ;P.

    4. I wrote this over a long period seeing as I was chatting to Pat for most of it, so I almost definitely forgot some shit.

    I'd say a TL;DR but I'd have to include reading Lore's thing in it as a shortcut... but that would take alot longer.
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    State of the Server Empty Re: State of the Server

    Post by FERMIS Fri Oct 26, 2012 4:25 pm

    PatrickFreed wrote:Note: I haven't read this yet so this response may not make sense.

    If support still exists for towny, I'll definitely re-add it. I disabled it because I thought it was messing with auctions, deaths, chat, and the server crashes.
    Once I get everything settled I'll see if towny will fit in, although to be honest it was just a racket for you lore to swindle people out of their money, lol.

    I vote we go back to factions.

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    State of the Server Empty Re: State of the Server

    Post by _Brain_Dead_ Fri Oct 26, 2012 4:30 pm

    ugh no fanctions
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    State of the Server Empty Re: State of the Server

    Post by FERMIS Fri Oct 26, 2012 4:31 pm

    In my opinion factions was set up better than towney and run better. What did you dislike about factions?

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    State of the Server Empty Re: State of the Server

    Post by mcuser12 Fri Oct 26, 2012 4:35 pm

    Factions was much simpler than towny, which is either a plus or minus.

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    State of the Server Empty Re: State of the Server

    Post by Lorecraft Fri Oct 26, 2012 5:15 pm

    Fations was simpler, yes, and it was really not functional. All it did was gave people a reason to fight. There was no purpose to the fighting, and nothing that a faction could accomplish that a normal group of people couldn't (aside from protecting some land).

    I understand that nobody but me and Rowan really know how to use Towny, so I will go and post an explanation thread and a Q&A thread, but we should NOT revert to factions.

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    State of the Server Empty Re: State of the Server

    Post by Doughnut Fri Oct 26, 2012 6:02 pm

    I've never used Towny before but quite honestly it sounds very interesting, with the whole taxes and upkeep thing. Factions I was never a fan of, and always thought it pointless.

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    State of the Server Empty Re: State of the Server

    Post by Lorecraft Fri Oct 26, 2012 7:13 pm

    I would just like to point out to Grintendo and Bob, and anyone else who was thinking this, you both said that the proper time for implementation would when there is an update. Well there has SORT OF been something called 1.4.... You know, just released yesterday? A minecraft update?

    So yeah. If you guys want help, I am most certainly volunteering.

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    State of the Server Empty Re: State of the Server

    Post by lolyounoob1 Fri Oct 26, 2012 7:20 pm

    Just for us orcworm people our map is from somewhat new.

    Just a question though, what is this server aiming for, more smp based or factions/towny/clan based

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    State of the Server Empty Re: State of the Server

    Post by Nearbeer Fri Oct 26, 2012 7:31 pm

    lolyounoob1 wrote:Just for us orcworm people our map is from somewhat new.

    Just a question though, what is this server aiming for, more smp based or factions/towny/clan based
    I guess the "aim" is driven by the players. Thing is, only a few people voice their opinion on this matter so the "players" are a small handful. Then again, pat decides what happens in the end. I just assume he'd do what the majority wanted, though that has proven to stab him in the back before.

    Even a bit ago Lore was posting about "What do you view freeds as?", since this server has few distinct characteristics of it other than "survival" and "multiplayer".
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    State of the Server Empty Re: State of the Server

    Post by Boblobster Fri Oct 26, 2012 7:53 pm

    As exciting and fun as launching in to doing all of this with 0 preparation sounds Lore, I think we'd do alot better to... well prepare.

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